Slushees and frosé (that’s frozen rosé wine) are pretty much the perfect summer refreshers: cold and gently spiked. If you’re on the hunt for the best places to dance with the devil of an ice cream headache while working up a buzz, try these killer slushee drinks from around the Twin Cities.
Frosé at the Lexington: The fine-dining stalwart in St. Paul has a tiki bar up on its rooftop patio. Don’t question the logic, just go with it and grab some salty, spiced dry wings and a wine glass filled with frosé and garnished with frozen peaches and marjoram.
Frosé at Stewart’s: This sweet St. Paul spot with the insanely addictive French fries always has a frosé that’s built for drinking all summer long. Rosé wine is blended with a little strawberry and herbaceous vermouth for a refresher that’s sure to become a warm-weather favorite.
Hai of the Storm at Hai Hai: Slide into this gorgeous northeast Minneapolis hot spot. It feels like a tropical vacation thanks to this twin-spun color combo of rum, cinnamon grenadine, passion fruit, lime, and a sneak-up-on-ya heat from a Thai chili rum floating on top.
Betty Danger’s Slushie: It’s bright pink, substantially spiked, and the only drink to order when floating around on this twisted, country club-styled Minneapolis restaurant’s Ferris wheel of a patio.
Grand Catch’s Slushee: Everything about this St. Paul restaurant screams fun times—whether you’re cracking open crabs and eating them with butter-slicked fingers, enjoying the gorgeous patio, or taking in the names of all the cocktails. Ask the server which flavor is on tap in the slushee machine; it’s constantly changing.
Salsa a la Salsa Margarita: So old-school, they’re in again: Blended margaritas are best served at Minneapolis’ Salsa a la Salsa, where the sweet-tart flavors are balanced with really decent tequila.