How many people struggle trying to squeeze a real breakfast in every morning have made the last-ditch move for the cereal bar? Lucky for constantly-moving, health-conscious Minnesotans, a brand-new company is making that conscious noshing easier.
WholeMe is a relatively new company, launched in late 2013, with a goal of offering alternatives to cereals and nutrition bars containing preservatives and excess sugar. The founders are Krista Steinbach, who you may know as former head pastry chef at the Bachelor Farmer, and Mary Kosir. Together, they came up with the WholeMe concept after meeting and hitting it off at a CrossFit gym.
The company currently offers two nutrition bars and a granola-inspired cereal, all of which cover the quota that the health-conscious collective require. Specializing in grain-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free products, WholeMe’s mission is to bring good food to everyone regardless of special food restrictions. Whether it’s the WakeMe cocoa nib and espresso bar, the DateMe pecan bar, or the EatMe almond cluster cereal, all of their options (available at specialty grocers and are safe for fitness freaks, diabetics, and those on gluten-free diets.
While the two bars are similar in its moist and chewy texture (think: brownie), their flavors are pretty distinct, and show a noticeable difference in intent. The WakeMe cocoa nib and espresso bar’s ingredients make its intention as a breakfast bar pretty obvious: it’s a jolt minus the trip to Starbucks. The pecan bar can be enjoyed as a snack without such a caffeinated reaction, with pecans, dates, and vanilla.
The EatMe cereal was my favorite product of the trio. An almond-based cluster blend, the cereal brings together exclusively natural ingredients including coconut, honey, sunflower seeds, and salt. While you can taste the natural flavors, it doesn’t feel like you’re sacrificing in an effort to stay healthy. In fact, pour in some vanilla soymilk and you’d have yourself a healthy, dairy-free bowl that gives a sweet start to your day.