Minnesota Monthly’s GrillFest
Sponsor & Exhibitor Portal
Welcome to the GrillFest Sponsor & Exhibitor Portal. Below you will find all the details needed to have a successful and enjoyable experience as a sponsor or exhibitor at the upcoming GrillFest event.
Marketing Opportunities
Tasting Notes
Please submit the list of products that you will be sampling at the event. These will be listed in the on-site tasting notes handed out to each guest at the event.
- May 2, 2024 for inclusion in the Tasting Notes distributed to all guests at the event
If you wish to insert a brochure or a small premium item into the Grillfest official show bags, please click the header above and fill our the submission form. This is a great way to market your brand to every guest attending GrillFest.
- You must submit 4,000 inserts.
- You must fill out the form by Friday, May 17 (click the above link)
- Inserts must be delivered by Friday, May 24.
Please be sure to fill out the form and follow all the shipping directions on the submission form.
Event Operations
Load-In and Load-Out
We highly encourage you to load-in and set-up your booth space on Friday. You should be ready to serve guests no later then 12 pm on Saturday and Sunday as we will likely start letting guests into the event at 12:30pm each day.
FRIDAY LOAD-IN 11 am – 6 pm
SATURDAY LOAD-IN 8 am – 11 am
SUNDAY LOAD-IN 8 am – 11 am
We suggest you use the main entrance on Broadway St. to move into the space. You will have 15 min to unload your vehicle, and deliver your product to your table. Please bring your own dolly and/or cart for moving your product. None are available for rent.
The Exhibitor Check-In table is located here, and is where you collect your badges and any other rented Show Service items.
If you are an exhibitor with a large amount of supplies, a trailer or a freight truck, you can use the Vector Path for load-in/out.
We are scheduling these times. We will have you sign up at this link: Vector Path Load-In
We will allow two vehicles up at a time. You will unload your materials at the top of the path, and then proceed to move your vehicle to your chosen parking lot. You will be given a max of 20 min to unload and move your vehicle, then return and set up your space.
Please be careful of shrubbery along this path, any damage may result in a fine.
There are a number of surface lots available for you to park in, close to CHS Field. You can find these at this link: CHS Field Parking Map.
*Please note that these lots are pay lots, and there is no parking onsite at CHS Field. Vehicles that park in the CHS Lot or under the bridge behind the field, are subject to tow and removal as they can prevent emergency service vehicles from gaining access to the field.
SUNDAY LOAD-OUT 5 pm – 9 pm
Both the Main Entrance and Vector Path are available for Load-Out and will be manned by Greenspring Media Staff.
Vector Path will be on a first-come first-serve bases, with vehicle cueing being directed by Greenspring Media Staff at the base of the path.
All items must be removed from the venue on Sunday night.
Important Event Policies and Rules
Quantity: If you have purchased one standard exhibitor table space, you will receive two badges for Saturday and two badges for Sunday. For other exhibitors/sponsors, the number of badges due will be noted on your contract.
Additional Badges: Additional exhibitor badges can be ordered in advance for $32.50 each (50% discount) on the Show Service Order Form by May 24, 2024. Personnel may purchase additional badges on site.
Where to pick-up your badges: BADGES WILL BE PROVIDED DURING LOAD-IN. Additional badged purchased after May 24, 2024 will be held at the Exhibitor Show Office. To claim your badge, present your digital exhibitor ticket or printed receipt.
Badge Guidelines: There are separate badges for Saturday and Sunday use. If a staff member is splitting a shift with someone, it is their responsibility to make arrangements to transfer their badge to that person. Badges lost or stolen will not be replaced. Badges must be displayed at all times inside the event, and will be checked. These badges are intended for staff personnel only. Exhibitors distributing their badge to others will have their badge confiscated.
Glass Voucher: One complimentary glass coupon will accompany each badge, which you may redeem inside the venue at the Exhibitor Check In Table at the entrance. The voucher is good for one glass only. If a badge is shared, you will NOT be able to obtain a second glass.
Exhibit areas must be staffed from 12 pm – 5 pm, and the areas must be completely set and staffed by 12:30 pm each day. Under no circumstance should your exhibit area be without a staff person. All employees on site Friday, Saturday and Sunday setting up and working during show hours must be 21+.
All persons (attendees, exhibitor staff, etc.) must be 21+ during show hours, including load-in and load-out hours. No exceptions.
Please have photo ID easily accessible.
Garbage & Excess Product Disposal:
Please note that the wastebaskets for rental are small sized, please bring your own large sized wastebasket if you have a lot of waste. Both Saturday and Sunday, exhibitors should place garbage in front of their space befor and after the show to signal it as garbage. Items on top of tables, under tables, or behind tables will no be disposed of or colected by the cleaning team.
If you have alcohol left over after the show, you MUST take it with you. Giving attendees excess alcoholic product is illegal.
Giveaways & Drawings:
A second entry box/container and entry forms (in addition to what is placed in your space) must be placed on an alternate entry table located at the main attendee entrance prior to the start of the show. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to remove the additional entry box upon close of the show.
Product Shipments:
This venue is unable to accept advance shipments, and any early delivery will not be accepted with return fees the responsibility of the sender. The best method for delivering product to GrillFest is to bring everything with you during setup. If you have questions, please reach out to Rick Krueger | rkrueger@greenspring.com
Exhibit Space Amenities:
Your exhibit fee includes a 6’x30″ skirted table. If you serve food, you will get an additional 6’x18″ skirted prep table that will be behind the main front table. There is no pipe/drape or carpeting. All areas of the event are outside.
Ice, bus tubs, water pitchers and dump buckets will be provided to exhibitors sampling beverages.
Sampling supplies are NOT provided! Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own sampling cups and plates, bottle openers, corkscrews, bar rags, product and personnel. Guests will be provided with a sampling glass at the entrance to the event.
We highly suggest that you bring your own branded table cloth to elevate your booth and branding opportunity at the event.
Electricity: If you need access to electricity, you must pay for it via the Show Service Order Form. The maximum power supply that is available at CHS Field is 120v/ 20amp.
Exhibitor Space Guidelines:
– Exhibit Display Restrictions: Please be sensitive of your neighbors when setting up your display area. Show Management reserves the right to have your area adjusted should we find you are obstructing your neighbor.
Unless stated differently in your sponsorship, each space is a 10’x10′ space.
– Tents: All tents must be secured by weights, water ballasts or other weighted means. Absolutely no staking will be permitted.
– Signage / Decorations: All signage materials must be contained within the realm of your space/table. You are not permitted to hang signs outside of your space. Signage must look professionally made. Pressure-adhesive sticker/ decals, gum or similar promotional items cannot be distributed or sold at the event. Decorations must be of fireproof treated material.
– Literature and Noise Restrictions: Interviews, demonstrations, and distribution of literature must be done within the exhibitor’s space. You may not “work the aisles.” Amplified systems, loud music, or other noise which interferes with other exhibitors is prohibited.
Food Vendors:
Any food vendors providing food samples at the event must use a tent. If you are a vendor who will be cooking onsite using a grill, see below.
Hand-Washing Stations: You are required to have hand washing supplies if you are sampling food or a beverage with ice and/or garnish. They are also available for rental (subject to availability). You are responsible for complying with all Minnesota State Health Department regulations of food items. This can be self-secured or rented from Greenspring Media’s Show Service Order Form.
Venue Security:
Show Management has arranged for event security during show hours, and over night (Friday & Saturday). Regardless of this arrangement, exhibitors are asked to take precautions in guarding their exhibition items and personal belongings. Move-in and move-out hours are especially susceptible to theft occurrence. Plan your staff schedule so that your booth is not left unattended during these times and/or refrain from leaving these items unattended. Show Management is not responsible for any losses related to theft, damage, etc
Grill & Open Flame Requirements:
Vendors grilling onsite can not grill under the CHS Field pavilion section of the concourse and will be placed on the show floor accordingly.
Vendors grilling onsite must have floor/ground covering that covers their cooking area and extends 2′ beyond the footprint of tent/booth space on all sides. Minnesota Monthly will provide the material.
BOOTH TENT | All Exhibitors using a grill are required to have a tent. This can be self-secured or rented from Greenspring Media’s Show Service Order Form. Please lower your tent at night to prevent damage. We are not responsible for damaged booths due to weather. Rental cost: $275
Following are the St. Paul Fire Prevention regulations for food booths/vehicles where cooking is being conducted. Please meet these guidelines to prevent any issues with the Fire Marshall.
– Provide a fire extinguisher with at least a 2A-10BC rating for each booth/vehicle.
– If a deep fat fryer is being used, a fire extinguisher with at least a K rating must also be provided.
– All propane tank installations must be secured and provided with gas shut-offs. All connections between tank and cooking equipment must be by means of either a listed/labeled L.P. gas hose or flexible flared copper tubing.
– Flexible L.P. gas hose may be prohibited where a hazard is determined to exist by the Fire Inspector due to the location of the hose.
Minnesota Monthly GrillFest
9401 James Ave. S., Suite 152 Bloomington, MN 55431 Phone: 612-371-5800 Fax: 612-371-5801