Gotta Love a Deal

I’m a sucker for BOGO (buy one, get one free) and two-fer (2-for-1) deals. Why not get more for less?!

That got me thinking about accomplishing more with less time or attention. Yes, these deals got me thinking about exercise. Here’s how: When possible (and it’s more possible than I thought), I started creating regualr two-fers of my own by doing two things at once—meeting with people while exercising.

This is how it plays out: I turn sit-down meetings into walk-and-talk meetings. I’ve walked-and-talked around the block, around the halls, around the building, in malls at 6 a.m., and on side-by-side treadmills at 6 p.m. With a little effort and repetition (and positive remarks from those joining me), I now default to walk-and-talks when I schedule meetings, and then shift to sit-and-talk when needed—rather than vice-versa.

I also use the two-fer concept when I exercise alone. When I don’t have a need for silence, I walk/run/spin while tuning into a novel, catching up on an enjoyable show, or watching an interesting/inspiring presentation. One of my favorites is watching Ted Talks (10-20 minute videos designed to inspire and stir our curiosity) on my iPad. I also enjoy listening to who-done-it audiobooks on my iPod. While already accomplishing two things at once, there’s an added bonus: time flies!

My challenge to you: What sit-down activity will better serve your wellness journey if you did it in motion? What would you enjoy watching or listening to if you had the time? Why not make it a two-fer? We all love a deal, don’t we?

Sue Stanek, Ph.D., has an extensive background in leadership development, currently focusing on helping others gain the mindset and motivation to stick with challenging wellness goals. Contact her at or