Let Me Catch You Up

“I’m so lucky.” I actually said that, out loud, this morning as I watched my three healthy kids get on the bus for their last day of school. And I did it while I drank coffee and folded their laundry. It’s something I think people should tell themselves every day. I used to—often—but the last few years have been tough. Let me catch you up.

Many of you know me as a news anchor from FOX and UPN. When UPN folded more than seven years ago, I lost my job. And seven years ago the world was a different place. I was tired of news, married to my high school sweetheart, and had two small children (and wanted a third), so I tried to freelance. I did voice work, commercials, hosted live events—it was fun and, early on, profitable. But then the recession hit. Work was hard to come by, and with a third kid on the way, finances were more than tight.

Fast forward many difficult years: My husband left. That sucked. I have to be honest—it took me completely by surprise. I know what you’re thinking… How is that possible? You must have seen it coming. But I didn’t. (More on that later—we’re just getting to know each other).

I was lucky enough to be offered a job by Paul Douglas (the man is a benevolent genius). I spent a year helping him launch WeatherNationTV, a national weather network that I believe will someday bring the Weather Channel to its knees.

Then my current boss, Bob Shomper, came to me with an incredible opportunity. Because, really, who can refuse a chance to have your own radio show? Not me. So here I am: a radio show host at WCCO Radio—listen 9-11 p.m. weekdays!

Yes, I am lucky. Three awesome—albeit crazy—kids ages ten, eight, and six, a great gig on the radio, a new blog at Minnesota Monthly… Oh, and did I mention I got engaged last weekend? (Much more on this to come!) Despite being in desperate need of some Botox… I am lucky.

I’m so glad you’re along for the ride. I want this blog to be like my show: interactive. So email jordana.green@cbsradio.com, check me out on Facebook at facebook.com/jordanawcco, tweet @jordanawcco, Instagram @jordanaverde. Say hi, tell me I’m full of it, or laugh and cry with me. Let’s talk!