
Jordana green's wedding ceremony

We did it. Our wedding went off without a hitch and I couldn’t be happier. Despite the lack of planning and expense (detailed in my last post), it was a perfect day. The reason it was so beautiful was because of the people. My new husband and I really love each other and are truly committed to each other. Everyone in the room knew that. The speeches from our friends and kids were a huge hit and very personal. But everyone’s favorite part of the wedding was something Marc (new handsome husband) said under the chuppah. Because this was a second marriage and we both have children from a first marriage, we wanted to formally include the children in our union. Marc and I prepared brief speeches to deliver to each other’s kids under the chuppah. His message brought nearly everyone in the room to tears. It wasn’t only the words; it was his delivery, which he almost couldn’t get through. His tears began almost as quickly as his speech did and the emotion and authenticity in the words and his commitment to all of us were palpable. Here it is:


To Marley, Maddox and Ruby:

I want you to know that I love your mother very much. I promise you that I will love you and care for you as if you were my own. I promise to be a committed listener. I promise you my trust, to be fair, my support, what knowledge I can share, and to provide a shoulder to cry on. I promise to be available to you, and as committed to you as I am to your mother.

Jordana Green's kids on her wedding day

It was a real tearjerker. I cry even writing it now. He is amazing.

My new sister-in-law said to me at the end of the wedding, “Two things are needed to have a successful wedding. Love in the room and the bride needs to dance.” Our room was bursting with love, and I danced my ass off!

This week I wish you a room full of love and dance partners.

Jordana Green dancing at her wedding