Universal Network Solutions, Inc.
Cara Lundrigan has always been drawn to the technology field, yearning to combat the industry’s lack of female representation. This interest led her to Universal Network Solutions, a cybersecurity company that monitors, supports, and investigates cybersecurity issues around the clock. Its Professional Services team provides implementations, training, maintenance, and support. The cybersecurity space has grown significantly over the last 10 years, with breaches being one of the top threats facing companies of all sizes. Quality technical resources are increasingly hard to find, which is where Lundrigan comes in.
Lundrigan—a born integrator with a passion for building amazing teams—has been a leader in the technical professional services space for over 25 years. Her strengths as a leader have helped UNS grow; the team is its greatest resource. “My leadership style is direct,” she says. “I value the opinions of our team and want them to be a part of the decision-making process.” Over the past several years, she has been invited to the Women of the Channel Leadership Conference, mentoring and guiding other women in the fi eld. She believes in collective success and collaborative relationships.
5775 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 700, Minneapolis, MN 55416