Michael D. Madigan

    Madigan, Dahl & Harlan, P.A.

    Michael Madigan has more than 30 years of experience practicing in the areas of administrative, alcohol beverage, licensing, antitrust, business, commercial, distributor, dealer, franchise, employment, and environmental law. Licensed to practice in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, Mike was appointed by Governor Dayton to the Metropolitan Airports Commission and was inducted as a Fellow, Litigation Counsel of America (a trial lawyer honorary society composed of less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers). The firm has built a national reputation in alcohol beverage law while representing a broad range of clients in other diverse business sectors.  Reaching favorable resolution of franchise, dealer and distributor disputes is a specific forte. 

    Concentration: Franchise Law 

    222 South 9th Street, Suite 3150, Minneapolis, MN 55402