Sugar Rush

    Head to The Union Depot Bake Sale to satisfy your sugar craving

    Union Depot Holiday Bake Sale

    Anyone who knows me well knows that I LOVE cookies. I grow a little weak in the knees every time I go past a bakery. It is a daily act of sheer willpower for me to pass by my neighborhood patisserie and not step inside. Often it’s a losing battle (not that I mind) and I’ll go in and get my favorite chocolate-truffle cookie.

    If your adoration of cookies is like mine, then you are going to love this—Union Depot is throwing a Holiday Bake Sale. On December 7 and 8, follow your noses to Union Depot in Lowertown and indulge in the most delicious cookies from the best bakeries across the Twin Cities.

    Get your “holiday baking” done in a festive environment, with holiday music pumping through the train station (you can live your fantasy to recreate a scene from White Christmas!). There will also be baking demonstrations from local notable personalities throughout the event.

    For those who like a good dose of nostalgia, a Union Depot cookie tin is included in the $10 ticket cost. The tin will be filled with sweet goodies to get your sugary day rolling. For those who want to attend sans collectable tin, the admission price is $3 and $2 for seniors and children under 12.

    I could go on and on about how excited I am for the Union Depot Bake Sale, but I’m afraid if I do, I won’t be able to stop my stomach from growling in anticipation. Mark your calendars and get down to Union Depot on December 7 and 8. You’ll find me there—most likely in a corner munching on cookies like I’m Cookie Monster…OMNOMNOM!