Tag: Northeast Minnesota
12 Weeks of Summer with Glensheen Mansion
A summertime visit to Lake Superior’s North Shore affords a terrific range of options for dining, sightseeing, hikes and nature, and culture.
Weekend Guide: Lutsen Has Skiing and Much More
It’s high time to head to the mountains of Lutsen
Destination: North Shore
Boat adventures to Minnesota’s northern border along Lake Superior
The MN Camp That Teaches Cooking is Back
The third annual Chef Camp brings top-tier culinary talent to the north woods
Winter Festivals
Celebrate the beauty of the coldest season here in Minnesota by attending one or more of these winter festivals
Summer Festivals
Check out these vibrant festivals taking place all over Minnesota this summer
Chasing Waterfalls
Breathtaking waterfalls draw crowds at parks and hiking trails around Minnesota
College Shopping
Take your student on a tour of five exemplary college towns in the Midwest
New Ways to Explore 3 Classic MN Destinations
From Fort Snelling to the North Shore, check out this summer's technological updates to historic and wild Minnesota places