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Tag: Wellness

Bold Timers

A network of older Minnesotans aims to save baby boomers from themselves.

Talk to the Animals

On a farm just west of the Twin Cities, animals and counselors work together to build trust with troubled kids and help them recover from abuse, neglect, and violence. It’s part of a growing trend throughout the country to integrate horses, dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, pigs, and even reptiles into therapeutic practice.

Let’s Talk About Sex*

*Sex troubles, that is. And while we’re at it, let’s break the silence on mental illness and drug abuse. Incontinence? Now there’s another taboo topic women are only beginning to discuss with their doctors. Open up. Don’t be embarrassed. Honest, you’ll feel better if you’re frank with your physician—and with other women—about such verboten subjects.

Rx for Relief

An Ashby pharmacist slashes his drug prices. But will lower costs alleviate the financial pain of his customers on fixed incomes—or simply bleed his small business dry?

The Pandemic Prophecy

He doesn’t know when it’s coming, or how bad it will be. But Dr. Michael Osterholm, one of the world’s foremost infectious disease experts, believes a flu pandemic is inevitable. And to hear him tell it, we’re nowhere near ready.

Botox Rocks

Super-deadly paralytic poison—it’s not just for the rich and famous anymore.

Top Doctors for Women 2006

Your guide to the Twin Cities best MDs for female patients—as chosen by their fellow physicians.