Minnesota is pretty amazing—gorgeous, diverse, and full of talent. But I don’t need to tell most Minnesotans that. They bike and run the trails, and read the headlines about it (with yes, a little pat on the back). They fill theater seats, reserve tables, shop local, and pull out their wallets at art fairs.
What’s amazing, though, is however long you live and travel here, there’s always so much more to discover.
That’s where our new “2013 Ultimate Summer Travel Guide” comes into play: It recommends 48 amazing areas to visit that are sure to temp your vacation days.
Minnesota Monthly travel writer (and editor of this project) Ellen Burkhardt and her crew brainstormed, researched, and of course, took on the weighty task of exploring these great haunts in order to put together a diverse guide to exploring Minnesota and its neighbors.
Here’s a taste of what to expect:
- “Off the Beaten Path” Hiking Adventures
- Across the Border, Wisconsin Weekend Getaways
- “Do the Door” Exploring Door County
- “Navigating the North Shore”
And there’s so much more: Wine tasting, spa trips, outdoor adventures, culutral outings.
It’s in digital edition form. From a born-and-raised Minnesotan, trust me: You’ll want to save the link.