Perfectly Petersham clutches by Laura
Nelli, $194 each @
1. Family Tree Platter by Jessica Rust Designs, $120 @
2. Wire and wood necklace by Tia Keobounpheng, $98 @ The Walker Shop, 1750 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, 612-375-7633.
3. Arriba Cacao & Spice hand lotion, hand soap, and stoneware caddy by Daub & Bauble, $8.50 to $10 each @ Garden of Eden, 867 Grand Ave., St. Paul, 651-293-1300.
4. Cuff bracelet made from stone and recycled belt by Jill Knutson, $45 @ Gallery 360, 3011 W. 50th St., Minneapolis, 612-925-2400.
5. Himalayan Glow candle, $32 @ 6. Ceramic bowl by Emily Dyer, $34 @ Gallery 360.
7. Color print on wood by Ceci-Cela, $98 @ Gallery 360.
8. Postcard calendar by Happify, $12 @ I Like You, 4222 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, 612-827-9065.
9. Stuffed elephant made from recycled sweaters by Sweater Toys, $30 @ The Walker Shop.
10. Coasters by Brooke Hipsher and Adam Turman, $30/set @ I Like You.
11. Stirsbys by John Danicic, $16 each @ The Walker Shop.
12. Certified-Organic Aromas, $65 each @ Intelligent Nutrients, 983 E. Henn-epin Ave., Minneapolis, 612-617-2002.