
Local designers get together to show shoppers what they’ve got

The latest addition to Lake Street feels like a throwback to when Uptown and LynLake were neighborhoods full of artists, and that’s a very good thing. Showroom is owned by longtime friends Jen Chilstrom and fashion designer Kim Jurek. Their goal: to help boost budding local designers.

The space includes retail from some of our best local designers: Foat by Kaia Foat and Zoe Foat Naselaris, 3Jag jewelry by Betty Jaeger, Post- by Lois Munemitsu Eliason and Katie McShane, and Unrefined Jewelry by Nichole Brabbit.

Even the handmade furniture and fixtures are local (by Clay Beardshear and Paul Tinetti), and the art on the walls is for sale, too.

Designers are encouraged to use the workspace to network with wholesalers and take their work to the next level. Can’t wait to see where it goes.

615 W. Lake St., Mpls.