Trendsetting with Sarah Edwards—and Her Closet

Shop Sarah Edwards’ Closet offers the chance to shop local while meeting Twin Cities fashion experts on July 23

Photo by Cynthia Yang

She can connect your brand. She will share your story. She is Sarah Edwards, CEO of I AM Sarah Edwards, the Minnesota-grown company that focuses on marketing solutions for clients hoping to expand their business. And now, you can shop her closet.

Edwards, a fashionista and co-founder of Fashion Week Minnesota, will be hosting Shop Sarah Edwards’ Closet at Canopy Minneapolis on July 23, an event dedicated to the local fashion community. Attendees can expect to find unique clothing from Edwards’ and five other vendors, cocktails, and the chance to speak with Edwards’ about her styling techniques.

One of the inspirations for the event? Dwindling closet space. “Some things I haven’t worn in years. I’m almost keeping clothes like I’m collecting art. As much as I think fashion is art, there’s only so much space in my little loft,” Edwards says.

Edwards says her fashion involvement came from “fairly humble beginnings” in Grand Rapids, where she grew up. Her style inspiration draws from the unconventionality of Sex and the City star Carrie Bradshaw and the exuberance of 97-year-old fashion icon Iris Apfeld, who is best known for her oversized black-rimmed spectacles. Overall, though, she has two main aspects in mind when she considers her favorite clothes: if the pieces connect to people and stories that inspire her, and if they help her present her most confident self.

Another style expert at the event will be Jahna Peloquin, the other co-founder of Fashion Week Minnesota. A fashion fanatic who puts her spin on vintage clothing, Peloquin believes that the Twin Cities have much to offer to the fashion community with individuals “finding a way to take what’s current and make it [their] own.” Peloquin will be selling “unique pieces that you’re not going to stumble across every day,” she says.

While sharing their clothes is the main goal of the event, Edwards and the other vendors didn’t have to meet up to do so. However, Edwards also wanted to be able to meet some of the fashion lovers she often converses with online.

“I have so many clothes that I’m in love with. It’s hard to go dump them off somewhere when everything seems so special,” says Edwards. “I’d like to meet people in real life who have a shared interest in local fashion. I’m hoping that the local boutiques and the other people who are selling at the event get brand awareness.”

The Shop Sarah Edwards’ Closet Event is hosted at Canopy Minneapolis on July 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. For more information, visit Eventbrite.

Mimi Geller is an editorial intern with Minnesota Monthly. Mimi was the Editor-in-Chief of her high school newspaper and will enter her freshman year this fall at the University of Southern California where she will major in journalism. Mimi can be reached at