Pharmacie Cures the Shopping Blues

Pharmacie is the cure for what ails you

The owners of the newly minted Lyn-Lake shop Pharmacie, Roger Barrett and Sam Beberg, have virtually no retail experience (though Barrett is a museum-exhibit designer and Beberg has done wonders decorating his kitschy breakfast joint, Hot Plate). Yet they’ve created a gift and home-furnishings store with real wow factor: a window-shopping-worthy storefront, American-made furniture (from hand-felted pillows to couches), and a healthy sense of humor. (Decorative touches include thumbtacked pages, ripped from some exercise manual, of a man lifting weights.)

There’s a focus on indie designers—recognizing that shoppers love to know the story behind the things they buy—yet without the crafty feel that homemade goods can have. 

Pharmacie has the grandeur of shopping a high-end designer-name store but with the personality that comes from wares curated by real people, not market-research algorithms. It’s a more intimate experience—not unlike peering into someone’s medicine cabinet. 

2743 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls.