Some deliver newborns. Others reattach severed limbs. And still others outline grim prognoses as tenderly as possible. But the 418 Twin Cities physicians named in Minnesota Monthly’s Best Doctors for Women poll were chosen by their peers not just for professional expertise. We also asked respondents to nominate professionals who were “attuned to the specific needs of female patients.” We wanted to know who put the care in healthcare. Here are the results.
Dr. Virginia Lupo, Maternal-Fetal Medicine
What It Feels Like to Deliver a Baby

It doesn’t get old or trite. I finished residency 28 years ago, and today even the simplest, most complication-free delivery is a total rush. For a lot of my med students, their first delivery is their most moving, meaningful experience.
Obstare. That’s the Latin behind the word “obstetrics.” It means “to stand before.” And it’s apt: sometimes the baby just shoots out and we literally catch it. A lot of deliveries can and do happen on their own.
Sometimes, though, we need to help it out. A 10-pounder is not going to slide out on its own. I always tell med students, babies are much heavier and much more slippery than you think. Most of us are not used to holding 10 slippery pounds in front of an audience.
One of the scariest things is when the head comes out and the rest of the body gets stuck. So what you do is, you turn the head sideways, and you pull it down toward the floor—always with your hand over the ears. That’ll get the anterior shoulder out. Then you pull back up to the ceiling, to get the other shoulder out. And with your other hand, you guide out the torso and legs. Ideally, you end up with the baby’s head in the palm of one of your hands, the body along the forearm, and the little feet touching your inner elbow. So he’s like a football. And then you have the other hand free to clamp the umbilical cord, wipe the face, and wave to the video recorder.
If someone’s available, we let him or her cut the cord. They won’t know where to cut, so you have to show them. An umbilical cord, it’s pretty tough—about three quarters of an inch around, with three blood vessels in there. And you gotta be sure the baby doesn’t fling his hand up to help, because you can slice fingers off in a heartbeat.
We’re the first person to cradle every baby. Even if we put him right up on Mom’s tummy, we still have the privilege of being the first to hold him.
I’m a good Catholic girl. And since I started seeing and understanding labor, I’ve always listened to the Christmas story in the Bible differently. It’s very humbling to be in the presence of these lives starting. You deliver these little people, and you think, “Where were you before this?” It’s quite moving.
Dr. Scott Anseth, Orthopedics
How to Replace a Patient’s Hip

It doesn’t require a ton of horsepower to dislocate a hip. If you’ve ever done it to yourself, accidentally, you know. That’s nice for us surgeons, because we have to get that old hip out before we can put in the replacement. When you do it, though, it does make this gruesome sound. I flex the hip just a bit—at this point I’ve already cut in deep and split the joint—and the top of the femur pops right up through the incision. To me, it always looks like a baseball, round and white. We isolate it, then I take a saw and buzz through the tip of the thighbone. That’s really what we’re replacing, that top ball part.
The thighbone is a tube. And the metal stem that we put in isn’t that thin. It’s thicker than a pen. With a little bit of pressure, I work it inside, pushing it down through the spongy material inside the bone. Then you use a mallet to tap it home. You have to listen. There’s a certain pitch you want. When it fits, it makes a certain “tink, tink—thunk.”
The procedure is very mechanical. It allows us to imagine the body as a machine that can be easily fixed, which is comforting. Of course, that isn’t true, but with other surgeries—removing an appendix, transplanting an organ—the patient may not get obviously, visibly better. With this, they go back almost immediately to normal. You replace the hip, and two or three days later, they have substantially less pain. After six months, they have their lives back. They can play with their kids again. They can walk around the lake with their spouse. As a surgeon, there’s a lot of immediate gratification. Who you are is defined a lot by what you do physically, and nothing makes you feel more alive than movement. People weren’t meant to sit around.
It’s probably the best, most perfect surgery in medicine. I love doing it. Patients’ lives get much better instantly. It’s mind-blowing.
Dr. Dana Carlson, General Surgery/Breast Cancer Specialist
What It Feels Like to Tell a Woman She Has Breast Cancer

We had a young woman who had just delivered a baby the day before. She was up in the post-partum ward and was having trouble nursing. That’s when she noticed a large mass in her breast.
So I go see her, and she’s holding this beautiful little girl. She’s in that blissful post-partum state—totally unprepared for what I’m about to drop on her.
I knew immediately it was cancer. It felt like she had golf balls in her armpit. With lumps that big, you wonder why the patient never noticed them. But she’s 30. Totally healthy. No risk factors. The last thing on her mind is, “Huh, maybe I have cancer.” She thought her breasts were swelling because her milk was coming in. But your milk doesn’t come in until after you deliver.
I just say, “We’d like to look at something with a mammogram ultrasound.” I’m 90 percent sure she’s got cancer, but I’m potentially about to take a woman from the best day of her life to the worst day of her life. I don’t want to be wrong.
It’s not just me. Everyone is hesitant to jump to the cancer diagnosis. The radiologist wants to do a biopsy. I say, “I’m pretty sure it’s cancer.” And she says, “Well, I am, too, but I really don’t want to tell her that.” So we’re all kind of stalling. With post-partum women, it’s an emotional roller coaster. Your hormones are crazy. And we’re about to add cancer to the mix? We get the biopsy: it’s cancer.
Her whole family is there in the exam room—her parents, her husband. I’m the one who tells her. I walk up to the patient, grab her hand, and just say, “You have breast cancer.” She falls into a chair and starts sobbing. She asked me the question “Why?” probably 20 times. I’m tearing up.
But I always tell them, “You’re going to be okay. We’re going to work through this together.” Now, the vast majority of the time, this is true. Breast cancer is not a death sentence. The survival rate is high. But it can always come back. So a little bit of that “You’re going to be okay” is positive thinking, and some of it is really truth. That’s the big benefit of working with breast cancer: it’s treatable.
I called her the other day to check in. She had just had chemo and was out for a long walk. It was a hot, disgusting day. I said, “Oh my god, in this weather? I wouldn’t go for a walk in this!” And she said, “You know, other than losing my hair from the chemo, I haven’t had any real physical side effects.” She’s got good energy, her baby’s sleeping through the night, she’s got a wonderful attitude—her odds are quite good. And if it does come back, we’re still here to support her.
Dr. Laura Schrag, Emergency Medicine
How to Break Bad News

We had a boy who dived into Lake Minnetonka, hit the bottom, and broke his neck. A 19-year-old, totally healthy kid. And broken necks are so awful because these people come in wide awake. They can look at you. They can talk to you.
This kid is totally conscious, but he can’t move anything. He’s terrified, but he isn’t screaming in pain. Just calm. It’s a little freaky, honestly. He probably has a clue as to what’s going on, but nobody wants to say aloud that he’s paralyzed.
I know it right away. It’s textbook: dive in, hit your head, can’t move anything. And the hardest part is, I know we can’t really do much. You get this unbearable feeling of helplessness. You feel the dread.
So I have to tell him he’s probably going to be paralyzed. I feel like it’s always best to bring the family in and let them see what we’re doing. That way, they see that we’re doing everything that we can, and they can be part of the process. The key thing is that they often don’t hear what you say the first time. You still go straight to the point. So I deliver the worst news first, let them soak it up, answer any question, and then come back to the point.
I also try to avoid saying anything is “certain.” You don’t want to eliminate hope. Because there’s always a little bit of hope. Even some neck injuries can be, we say, “reduced,” which means the person can move again. But you absolutely have to be truthful.
I also make sure there’s someone that can stay with the patient and his family—a nurse or a chaplain. Those people are phenomenal. They do a fabulous job of taking over, answering questions, listening. It’s a total team approach. In fact, afterwards, I always ask them for feedback, to see if I handled the situation appropriately or if there’s something I can do better next time.
Then, you have to set it aside. You tell your partners you need a few minutes to walk the halls. You turn your beeper off. You know, we’re part of a team. The nurses, techs—they recognize what just happened, and they’re there to support you. I’ll tell you, it can put your life in perspective in a heartbeat. And it happens every single day.
Dr. Jennifer Harrington, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
What It Feels Like to Reattach a Pair of Severed Arms

It is 2:30 in the afternoon. My beeper goes off, and it’s the ER.
They say they’ve got a little two-and-a-half-year-old boy who’s been hurt in a farming accident. Something about his arms getting caught in a grain auger. Now, I’m not a farm girl; I don’t know what that means. But I’m a brand new surgeon, three months into my private practice, and I’m feeling pumped for any new challenge. I’m so ready for this surgery.
I zip over to the ER. The boy’s being stabilized, so I check in quickly with the family, shout out a few orders, and grab the cooler with the severed arms. You have to prep the limbs before reattachment, clean them up. So I head to the operating room and open up the cooler—and I just gasp. It’s a mutilated, contaminated mess. Do you know what an auger is? It’s a giant corkscrew blade, like a drill. And his arms went up into it. They had been amputated sequentially. There is grain embedded all throughout the tissue. I call my mentor, Dr. Van Beek, whom I had trained with at the Mayo Clinic, to come down and help.
Dr. Van Beek arrives. He takes one arm, I take the other, and we’re sewing. For the tendons and muscles you use bigger sutures. But for nerves and vessels, you use sutures tinier than an individual hair. You wear these magnifying goggles to see them.
Thirteen hours later, the surgery’s done. We’ve got a little boy with both arms on, with 10 pink fingers, and I’m feeling really good. I look at Dr. Van Beek, and he says, “You’ll be lucky if you save one elbow.” And I’m thinking, “Wow, way to be a pessimist.”
But I was naïve. The arms got infected. Over the course of about two weeks, I had to go in and start cutting pieces off. There were 19 additional surgeries. The right arm, the one I had just reattached? We took it off completely. The left arm we amputated at the elbow. Just like Dr. Van Beek said: we got one elbow.
I felt like a failure. I had never let a patient down before. I cried. I had sleepless nights. Even later, when colleagues congratulated me on saving that one elbow, when the family thanked me for all the work I had done, I still felt conflicted.
Luckily, the patient is doing great. He ended up getting into public speaking. He’s addressing groups of surgeons and other amputees. We’re still friends, actually. And knowing him—it sounds cheesy, maybe—has really shaped me. Not just as a surgeon, but as a person.
Dr. Margit Bretzke, General Surgery
What It Feels Like to Operate on a Human Brain

It’s my first night on call for neurosurgery, and I end up racing down to the hospital. The ER physician says he has a 17-year-old kid who was out partying, fell off the back of a car, and hit his head.
I get there, and the patient is showing signs of an epidural hematoma—blood pushing hard on the brain. Of course, the inside of the skull is a finite space, so adding pressure is like squeezing a balloon: it forces the brain to bulge. But the only place it can expand is into this small hole that attaches it to the spine. That’s called herniation. If you herniate, you die. And this kid was definitely herniating.
The chief resident, Dr. Nagib, arrives. He’s going to do the operating. I’m just there to assist and to learn. After a quick CAT scan, we rush the kid back to the OR and put him to sleep. At this point, I’m pretty worried: this kid could die. Every minute that slips away is impacting his recovery—or if he even can recover.
We start the craniotomy, which is when you lift a flap of bone from the skull to see inside. I had never witnessed this before. They shave his head, and Dr. Nagib drills several holes into the patient’s skull. Because this is 1980 and drills aren’t motorized yet, Dr. Nagib is cranking the drill by hand, boring into the skull. After drilling a few holes, he cuts from one hole to the next with a motorized saw. The result is this little window.
He lifts the flap of bone out, probably the size of a teacup’s saucer, and the blood pours out. But then he clips an artery, and the bleeding stops. It’s a surprisingly bloodless operation—which means you really get a good look at the brain. And it looks just like you think it would. It’s gray and folded, and it’s compressed because all this blood has been pushing on it. I realize I’m looking at a live brain for the first time in my life, and I’m just awestruck.
And then it starts ballooning out. It starts pushing up through this little bone window, and it’s scary. It’s very scary. And that was just too much. I got so light-headed I couldn’t stand up. I was sweating; I was dizzy; I was seeing colors; the room was spinning. Finally, Dr. Nagib just said, “Margit, go sit down.”
It was just the high stakes of it all. We truly saved this kid’s life. The whole thing worked. Dr. Nagib and I stopped the swelling. He wired the brain flap back on, and the kid did fine—he totally returned to normal. After that, I was fine, too. The brain never freaked me out again.
Brenda Guyer Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3090 | John B. Sweet Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd. Wyoming 651-982-7600 |
Pamela Harris Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3090 | Supriya Varadarajulu Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3090 |
Mee Lee Nelson Southdale Pediatrics & Adults Allergy & Asthma 3955 Parklawn Ave. Edina 952-831-4454 | Michael R. Wexler Advances in Allergy/Asthma Care 12450 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 215 Minnetonka 952-546-6866 |
Nancy L. Ott Southdale Pediatric Associates 3955 Parklawn Ave. Suite 120, Edina 952-831-4454 | Cherie Zachary Minnesota Allergy & Asthma Consultants 675 E. Nicollet Blvd. Suite 250 Burnsville 952-223-3040 |
David Schroeckenstein Southdale Pediatrics & Adults Allergy & Asthma 3955 Parklawn Ave. Edina 952-831-4454 |
Katherine Clinch Associated Anesthesiologists 8681 Eagle Point Blvd. Lake Elmo 651-735-0501 | Ira Segal Fairview Southdale Hospital 6401 France Ave. S. Edina 952-924-5187 |
Barbara Gold University of Minnesota 420 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-624-9990 | Brian Thyr Southdale Anesthesiologists 6401 France Ave. S. Edina 952-924-5187 |
Martha Ho Mercy Hospital 4050 Coon Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids 763-236-6000 | James Turner Virtual Radiologic 11995 Singletree Ln., Suite 500 Eden Prairie 952-595-1100 |
John Mrachek Northwest Anesthesia 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-871-7639 | Thomas Wright North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave N. Robbinsdale 763-520-3660 |
Tanya Oyos Northwest Anesthesia 2828 Chicago Ave., Suite 300 Mpls. 612-871-7639 | Jeffrey Yue Mercy Hospital 4050 Coon Rapids Blvd. NW Coon Rapids 763-236-6000 |
Cardiovascular Disease
Stephen Battista University of Minnesota Physicians Heart Clinic 6405 France Ave. SW, Suite 200 Edina 612-365-5000 (option 2) | Aimee Johnson Park Nicollet Heart & Vascular Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3246 |
Margaret Beahrs United Heart & Vascular Clinic 225 N. Smith Ave., Suite 400 St. Paul 651-290-0133 | Andrew McGinn North Memorial Heart & Vascular Clinic 3300 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 200 Robbinsdale 763-581-5400 |
Shalini Bobra Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E. 28th St., Suite 300 Mpls. 612-775-3030 | Pamela Paulsen North Memorial Heart & Vascular Clinic 3300 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 200 Robbinsdale 763-581-5400 |
Monica Colvin University of Minnesota Physicians Heart 516 Delaware St. SE, Clinic 3A Mpls. 612-625-3600 | Soma Sen Park Nicollet Heart & Vascular Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3246 |
Constance Dankle University of Minnesota Physicians Heart 6405 France Ave. S., Suites W200 & W300 Edina 612-672-7422 | Scott Sharkey Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-3900 |
Candace Dick University of Minnesota Physicians Heart 6405 France Ave. S., Suites W200 & W300 Edina 612-365-5000 | Wendy Shear North Memorial Heart & Vascular Institute 3300 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 200 Robbinsdale 763-520-2005 |
Elizabeth Grey Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-3900 | Norma Thiessen Minneapolis Heart Institute 7373 France Ave. S.Suite 204 Edina 952-428-0500 |
David Homans Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-6400 | Cynthia Toher Park Nicollet Heart & Vascular Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3246 |
Thomas Johnson St. Paul Heart Clinic 225 N. Smith Ave., Suite 500 St. Paul 651-292-0616 | Valerie Ulstad Hennepin County Medical Center Cardiology Clinic 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-4105 |
Colon & Rectal Surgery
George Belzer Park Nicollet Clinic-Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3180 | Genevieve Melton-Meaux Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 420 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-624-9708 |
Isaac Felemovicius-Hermangus North Clinic 3366 Oakdale Ave. N. Suite 215 Robbinsdale 763-587-7752 | Frederic Nemer Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 212 Edina 651-312-1700 |
Brett Gemlo Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 1983 Sloan Pl., Suite 7 St. Paul 651-312-1620 | Elizabeth Raskin Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 1983 Sloan Pl., Suite 7 St. Paul 651-312-1620 |
Richard Karulf Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 212 Edina 651-312-1700 | Heather Rossi Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 3738 Coon Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids 651-312-1717 |
Mary Kwaan Colon & Rectal Surgery Clinic 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-624-9708 | David Rothenberger |
Ann Lowry Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 212 Edina 651-312-1700 | Michael Spencer Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 3738 Coon Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids 651-312-1717 |
Robert Madoff Masonic Cancer Center 424 Harvard St. SE Mpls. 612-625-5411 | Amy Thorsen Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 2800 Chicago Ave. S. Mpls. 651-225-7855 |
Critical Care
Jeffrey Chipman University of Minnesota Medical Menter, Fairview 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-626-6666 | Michele LeClaire Respiratory Consultants 3366 Oakdale Ave. N. Plymouth 763-520-2940 |
Lee Kamman St. Paul Lung Clinic 225 N. Smith Ave., Suite 300 St. Paul 651-224-5895 | Sue Ravenscraft Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3242 |
James Leatherman Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-2625 |
Lori Arnesen Dermatology Consultants 60 Plato Blvd. E., Suite 270 St. Paul 651-291-9166 | Nancy Leitch Skin Care Doctors 2765 Kelley Pkwy. Orono 952-345-4222 |
Bruce Bart Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-2300 | Jane Lisko Associated Skin Care 18315 Cascade Dr., Suite 150 Eden Prairie 952-934-7336 |
Mitchell Bender Dermatology Specialists 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina 952-920-3808 | Jane Moore Dermatology Consultants 587 Bielenberg Dr., Suite 200 Woodbury 651-578-2700 |
M. Elizabeth Briden Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Institute 6525 Barrie Rd. Edina 952-915-6000 | Cynthia Olson Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3260 |
Julie Cronk Dermatology Consultants 3555 Willow Lake Blvd., Suite 240 Vadnais Heights 651-209-1600 | Malinee Saxena Dermatology Consultants 1215 Town Centre Dr., Suite 200 Eagan 651-251-3300 |
Charles E. Crutchfield III Crutchfield Dermatology 1185 Town Center Dr., Suite 101 Eagan 651-209-3600 | Cynthia Schlick Metropolitan Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery 1120 E. Wayzata Blvd., Suite 100 Wayzata 952-476-6733 |
Jennifer Dick Dermatology Specialists 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina 952-920-3808 | Carol Soutor HealthPartners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-7580 |
H. Spencer Holmes Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3190 | Maureen Utz Metropolitan Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery 1120 E. Wayzata Blvd., Suite 100 Wayzata 952-476-6733 |
Maria Hordinsky University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-625-5656 | Victoria Van Roy Park Nicollet Clinic 14000 Fairview Dr. Burnsville 952-993-3260 |
Rachel Hub Park Nicollet Clinic–Maple Grove 15800 95th Ave. N. Maple Grove 952-993-3260 | Brian Zelickson Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 1002 Mpls. 612-338-0711 |
Jennifer Lee Dermatology Specialists 3316 W. 66th St., Suite 200 Edina 952-920-3808 |
Emergency Medicine
Samuel E. Abelson Emergency Care Consultants 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-3547 | Laura Schrag North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave. N. Robbinsdale 763-520-5200 |
David Peterson Emergency Care Consultants 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4728 | Rosa Seim Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-6080 |
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
Lynn Burmeister Fairview Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612- 625-8690 | Lawrence Mulmed Abbott Northwestern Endocrine Center 920 E. 28th St., Suite 440 Mpls. 612-336-5000 |
Victor Corbett John Nasseff Medical Building 255 N. Smith Ave., Suite 100 St. Paul 651-241-5000 | Angela Ngo Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3708 |
Lisa Fish Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3708 | Anne Rosenberg HealthEast Maplewood Clinic 3100 Kennard St., Suite 100 Maplewood 651-232-7800 |
Harold Katz United Medical Specialties 255 N. Smith Ave., Suite 100 St. Paul 651-241-5000 | J. Jeffrey Ruegemer Endocrinology Clinic of Minneapolis 7701 York Ave. S., Suite 180 Edina 952-927-7810 |
Farha Khan Allina Medical Clinic 9055 Springbrook Dr. Coon Rapids 763-780-9155 | Chris Schoonover 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 408 Robbinsdale 763-582-1800 |
Thomas Laedtke Endocrinology Clinic of Minneapolis 7701 York Ave. S., Suite 180 Edina 952-927-7810 | Elizabeth Seaquist Center for Diabetes Research, University of Minnesota 516 Delaware St. SE, Clinic 6A Mpls. 612-626-9658 |
Wayne Leebaw Endocrinology Clinic of Minneapolis 7701 York Ave. S., Suite 180 Edina 952-927-7810 | Thomas Smith HealthEast Woodbury Clinic 1875 Woodwinds Dr. Woodbury 651-232-6700 |
Rebecca Mattison Endocrinology Clinic of Minneapolis 7701 York Ave. S., Suite 180 Edina 952-927-7810 | Mark Stesin 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 408 Robbinsdale 763-582-1800 |
Rebecca Moxness Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3708 |
Family Medicine
Jennifer Auge Allina Medical Clinic 10705 Town Square Dr. NE, Suite 100 Blaine 763-236-5400 | James LaRoy Richfield Medical Group 6440 Nicollet Ave. Richfield 612-861-1622 |
Barbara Gamradt Edina Family Physicians 5301 Vernon Ave. S. Edina 952-925-2200 | Selma Sroka Whittier Clinic, HCMC 2810 Nicollet Ave. Mpls. 612-545-9000 |
Jon Hallberg Mill City Clinic 901 Second St. S., Suite A Mpls. 612-338-1383 | Kathryn Vidlock Granley Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 |
Lance Kansas Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 | Jennifer Woodland Camden Physicians 9750 Rockford Rd. Plymouth 763-235-5100 |
Mumtaz Kazim Edina Family Physicians 5301 Vernon Ave. S. Edina 952-925-2200 |
John Allen Minnesota Gastroenterology 5705 W. Old Shakopee Rd. Bloomington 612-871-1145 | Ann Kools Park Nicollet Clinic 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3240 |
Lucinda Conroy Minnesota Gastroenterology 1997 Sloan Pl. Maplewood 612-871-1145 | Samuel Leon Minnesota Gastroenterology 2550 University Ave. W. Suite 423S St. Paul 612-871-1145 |
Caryn Fine Minnesota Gastroenterology 15700 37th Ave. N., Suite 300 Plymouth 612-871-1145 | James Levine Minnesota Gastroenterology 2550 University Ave. W., Suite 423S St. Paul 612-871-1145 |
Robert Ganz Minnesota Gastroenterology 5705 W. Old Shakopee Rd., Suite 605 Robbinsdale 612-871-1145 | Amy Mulvahill Minnesota Gastroenterology 2550 University Ave. W., Suite 423S St. Paul 612-871-1145 |
Denise Hunninghake Minnesota Gastroenterology 1973 Sloan Pl. Maplewood 612-871-1145 | Dorothy Whitmer Minnesota Gastroenterology 2550 University Ave. W., Suite 423S St. Paul 612-871-1145 |
General Surgery
Casandra Anderson Surgical Specialists of Minnesota 2545 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 601 Mpls. 612-863-7770 | Eric Johnson Surgical Specialists of Minnesota 2545 Chicago Ave., Suite 601 Mpls. 612-863-7770 |
Kevin Bjork Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 | Corinne Jordan Specialists in General Surgery 9825 Hospital Dr., Suite 105 Maple Grove 763-780-6699 |
Adrianne Bowen Specialists in General Surgery 9825 Hospital Dr., Suite 105 Maple Grove 763-780-6699 | Steven Kern Specialists in General Surgery 9825 Hospital Dr., Suite 105 Maple Grove 763-780-6699 |
Margit Bretzke Surgical Specialists of Minnesota 2545 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 601 Mpls. 612-863-7770 | Michael Koeplin Minnesota Surgical Associates 1973 Sloan Pl., Suite 225 Maplewood 651-224-1347 |
Dana Carlson North Memorial 9825 Hospital Dr., Suite 105 Maple Grove 763-780-6699 | John Miller Minnesota Surgical Associates 1973 Sloan Pl., Suite 225 Maplewood 651-224-1347 |
Mary Colbert Park Nicollet Clinic 3931 Louisiana Circle St. Louis Park 952-993-3123 | Deborah Nowak Surgical Consultants Edina 6405 France Ave. S., Suite W440 Edina 952-927-7004 |
Daniel Dunn Surgical Specialists of Minnesota 2545 Chicago Ave., Suite 601 Mpls. 612-863-7770 | Diane Ogren St. Paul Surgeons 1655 Beam Ave., Suite 302 Maplewood 651-227-6351 |
Michael England Minnesota Surgical Associates 1973 Sloan Pl., Suite 225 Maplewood | Kevin Ose Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3180 |
Madeline Gartner Madeline Gartner Surgery 2805 Campus Dr., Suite 425 Plymouth 763-473-1480 | John Shearen Minnesota Surgical Associates 1973 Sloan Pl., Suite 225 Maplewood 651-224-1347 |
Brian Grubbs Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3180 | Dawn Stapleton Lakeview Clinic 424 State Hwy. 5 W. Waconia 952-442-4461 |
Nancy Guttormson Surgical Consultants 303 E. Nicollet Blvd., Suite 300 Burnsville 952-435-4140 | Joan Van Camp Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-2810 |
Susan Hunt Specialists in General Surgery 9825 Hospital Dr., Suite 105 Maple Grove 763-780-6699 | Amy Whitson Lakeview Clinic 424 State Hwy. 5 W. Waconia 952-442-4461 |
Dawn Johnson Surgical Specialists of Minnesota 2545 Chicago Ave., Suite 601 Mpls. 612-863-7770 | Peter Wilton St. Paul Surgeons 1655 Beam Ave., Suite 302 Maplewood 651-227-6351 |
Lawrence Kerzner Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-7490 | James Pacala Smiley’s Clinic 2020 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-333-0770 |
Martha McCusker Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-7490 | Nicholas Schneeman North Clinic 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suites 215 & 315 Robbinsdale 763-587-7900 |
Jennifer Olson Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-5041 |
Gynecological Oncology
Cheryl L. Bailey Minnesota Oncology Hematology 800 E. 28th St. Suite 405 Minneapolis 612-863-8585 | Rahel G. Ghebre University of Minnesota Physicians 420 Delaware St. SE Minneapolis 612-626-3444 |
Matthew P. Boente Minnesota Oncology Hematology 6545 France Ave. S. Suite 210 Edina 952-928-2900 | Patricia L. Judson University of Minnesota Physicians 420 Delaware St. SE Minneapolis 612-626-3444 |
A. Catherine Casey Minnesota Oncology Hematology 6025 Lake Rd. Woodbury 651-735-7414 | John E. Savage Minnesota Oncology Hematology 345 Sherman St. Suite 100 St. Paul 651-241-5525 |
Levi Downs Jr. University of Minnesota Physicians 420 Delaware St. SE Minneapolis 612-626-3444 | Annie Tan Minnesota Oncology Hematology 3960 Coon Rapids Blvd. Suite 101 Coon Rapids 612-863-8585 |
Melissa A. Geller University of Minnesota Physicians 420 Delaware St. SE Minneapolis 612-626-3444 |
Stuart Bloom Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-884-6300 | Mark Reding University of Minnesota Division of Hematology, Oncology, & Transplantation 516 Delaware St. SE, Suite 14-142 Mpls. 612-624-0123 |
Colleen Morton Regions Hospital 640 Jackson St. St. Paul 651-254-3572 | Steven Rousey Minnesota Oncology 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 210 Edina 952-928-2900 |
Andrzej Petryk Maplewood Cancer Center 1580 Beam Ave. Maplewood 651-779-7978 | John Seng Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-884-6300 |
Douglas Rausch Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-6369 | Paul Zander Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-884-6300 |
Hospice and Palliative Care
Charles Bransford Stillwater Clinic 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 | Margaret O’Connor Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4000 |
Lisa Illig Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital 6500 Excelsior Blvd. Mpls. 952-993-5000 |
Infectious Disease
Daniel Anderson Infectious Disease Consultants 11676 Wayzata Blvd. Minnetonka 952-746-8360 | Janet Larson Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3131 |
Leslie Baken Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3131 | Stephen Obaid InterMed Consultants 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 400 Edina 952-920-2070 |
Cristina Baker Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-2300 | Jason Sanchez Infectious Disease Associates 2545 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-863-5336 |
Peter Bornstein St. Paul Infectious Disease Associates 1959 Sloan Pl., Suite 200 St. Paul 651-772-6235 | Mark Sannes Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-1381 |
Steven Dittes InterMed Consultants 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 400 Edina 952-920-2070 | Wendolyn Slattery Allina Medical Clinic 9055 Springbrook Dr. Coon Rapids 763-780-9155 |
Elliot Francke Midwest Infectious Disease Consultants 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 701 Mpls. 612-333-1319 | Steven Sonnesyn Infectious Disease Consultants 11676 Wayzata Blvd. Minnetonka 952-746-8360 |
Mary Ann Kish HealthPartners Parkway Clinic 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 200 Robbinsdale 763-587-9200 | Jo-Anne Young Fairview University of Minnesota Medical Center 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-625-4680 |
Gary Kravitz St. Paul Infectious Disease Associates 1959 Sloan Pl., Suite 200 St. Paul 651-772-6235 |
Internal Medicine
Kimberly Anderson-Uzpen Adult Medicine 393 N. Dunlap St., Suite 235 St. Paul 651-644-7775 | Noelle Nelson Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates 8100 W. 78th St., Suite 100 Edina 952-914-8100 |
Rebecca Bartlett Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3333 | Laura Praeger Allina Medical Clinic–Woodlake 407 W. 66th St. Richfield 612-798-8800 |
Mary Sue Beran Park Nicollet Clinic–Carlson Parkway 15111 Twelve Oaks Center Dr. Minnetonka 952-993-4500 | Donna Rodel Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates 8100 W. 78th St., Suite 100 Edina 952-914-8100 |
Danita Carlson Park Nicollet Clinic–Carlson Parkway 15111 Twelve Oaks Center Dr. Minnetonka 952-993-4500 | Martha Sanford Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 |
Kelly Frisch HealthPartners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd., Suite 101 St. Paul 651-254-7400 | Paula Skarda HealthPartners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-7580 |
Heather Gantzer Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3333 | David Smiley North Clinic 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suites 215 & 315 Robbinsdale 763-587-7900 |
Paul Gotlieb Consultants Internal Medicine 3400 W. 66th St., Suite 385 Edina 952-920-2761 | Heather Thompson Buum Primary Care Center, University of Minnesota 516 Delaware St. SE, Clinic 3A Mpls. 612-624-9499 |
Martha Hageness Park Nicollet Clinic–Carlson Parkway 15111 Twelve Oaks Center Dr. Minnetonka 952-993-4500 | Carrie Wolke Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W. 78th St., Suite 100 Edina 952-914-8100 |
Tina Johnson HealthEast Woodbury Clinic 1875 Woodwinds Dr. Woodbury 651-232-6700 | Tod Worner General Medicine Associates 8100 W. 78th St., Suite 100 Edina 952-914-8100 |
Tara McMichael Lakeview Clinic 424 State Hwy. 5 W. Waconia 952-442-4461 |
Maternal and Fetal Medicine
William Block Minnesota Perinatal Physicians 800 E. 28th St., Suite 503 Mpls. 612-863-4502 | Judith Ney Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4003 |
Steven Calvin Minnesota Perinatal Physicians 800 E. 28th St., Suite 503 Mpls. 612-863-4502 | Jessica Nyholm Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center, Fairview 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-273-2223 |
Diana Danilenko Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4001 | Leslie Pratt Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-5900 |
Lea Fairbanks Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4003 | Tracy Prosen Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center, Fairview 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-273-2223 |
Emanuel Gaziano Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4000 | Kirk Ramin Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center, Fairview 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-273-2223 |
Daniel Landers University of Minnesota Maternal-Fetal Medicine Clinic 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-273-2223 | William E. Wagner Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4003 |
Virginia Lupo Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-2530 | Donald Wothe Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4003 |
David Lynch-Salamon Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4002 |
Catherine Bendel Fairview-Riverside 2450 Riverside Ave. Mpls. 612-672-6000 | Virginia Hustead Minnesota Neonatal Physicians 2545 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 512 Mpls. 612-871-2203 |
Paul Abraham HealthPartners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-7850 | Alexandra Straight Kidney Specialists of Minnesota 2085 Rice St. Roseville 651-489-9035 |
George Canas Kidney Specialists of Minnesota 7990 University Ave. NE Fridley 763-786-0620 | William Stuart Meadowbrook Medical Building 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3265 |
Thomas Davin Kidney Specialists of Minnesota 4310 Nicollet Ave. S. Mpls. 612-823-8001 | Mary Tahnk-Johnson Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3265 |
John Gray Kidney Specialists of Minnesota 6200 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 300 Brooklyn Center 763-544-0696 | Kimberlee Thielen Kidney Specialists of Minnesota 4310 Nicollet Ave. S. Mpls. 612-823-8001 |
David Husebye Fort Road Medical Center 360 Sherman St., Suite 250 St. Paul 651-772-6251 | Orvin Visaya Kidney Specialists of Minnesota 6200 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 300 Brooklyn Center 763-544-0696 |
Eileen O’Shaughnessy Hennepin Faculty Associates 825 S. Eighth St., Suite M50 Mpls. 612-347-6450 | Cara Walz Associated Nephrology Consultants 360 Sherman St., Suite 250 St. Paul 651-772-6251 |
James Somerville InterMed Consultants 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 400 Edina 952-920-2070 | Marc Weber University of Minnesota Transplant Center 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-626-6100 |
Ingrid Abols Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology 675 E. Nicollet Blvd., Suite 100 Burnsville 952-435-8516 | Donna Koning Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 |
Janiece Aldinger Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology 3400 W. 66th St. Suite 150 Edina 952-920-7200 | Sara Langer Noran Neurological Clinic 14305 Southcross Dr. W., Suite 110 Burnsville 612-879-1500 |
Mary Chiasson Noran Neurological Clinic 2828 Chicago Ave., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-879-1500 | Laura Li Neurological Associates of St. Paul 1650 Beam Ave., Suite 200 Maplewood 651-221-9051 |
Neil Dahlquist Capitol Neurology 360 Sherman St., Suite 350 St. Paul 651-291-1559 | Susan Minette Noran Neurological Clinic 7373 France Ave. S., Suite 604 Edina 612-879-1500 |
Bret Haake HealthPartners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-7400 | Martha Nance Struthers Parkinson’s Center 6701 Country Club Dr. Golden Valley 952-993-5495 |
Jessica Heiring Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology 4225 Golden Valley Rd. Golden Valley 763-588-0661 | Richard Shronts Noran Neurological Clinic 2828 Chicago Ave., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-879-1500 |
Charles Horowitz Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology 9825 Hospital Dr., Suite 103 Maple Grove 763-302-4114 | Teresa Tran-Lim Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. Mpls. 952-993-3200 |
Thomas Jacques Neurological Associates of St. Paul 1650 Beam Ave., Suite 200 Maplewood 651-221-9051 |
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Wanda Adefris Adefris & Toppin Women’s Specialists 1875 Woodwinds Dr., Suite 110 Woodbury 651-686-6400 | Judith Levitan Women’s Health Consultants 121 S. Eighth St., Suite 600 Mpls. 612-333-4822 |
Samuel Arnold Comprehensive Healthcare for Women 1687 Woodlane Dr., Suite 101 Woodbury 651-209-6263 | Jacqueline Mahan Comprehensive Healthcare for Women 1687 Woodlane Dr., Suite 101 Woodbury 651-209-6263 |
Donna Block Clinic Sofia OBGYN 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 490 Edina 952-922-7600 | Mary Mahoney University Specialists in Women’s Health 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-273-7111 |
Patricia Chang Allina Medical Clinic–Parkview 347 Smith Ave. N., Suite 203 St. Paul 651-241-7733 | Sarah Adrienne Mainguy Women’s Health Consultants 121 S. Eighth St., Suite 600 Mpls. 612-333-4822 |
Suzin Cho OBGYN Specialists 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 600 Edina 952-920-2200 | Amy Meath Lakeview Clinic 424 State Hwy. 5 W. Waconia 952-442-4461 |
Deborah Davenport Southdale OB/GYN Consultants 3625 W. 65th St., Suite 100 Eden Prairie 952-920-7001 | Christine Sarkinen Oakdale OBGYN 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 450 Robbinsdale 763-587-7000 |
Laura Dean Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 | Janet Schaffer Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3282 |
Elizabeth Elfstrand John Haugen Associates 801 Nicollet Mall, Suite 400 Mpls. 612-333-2503 | Janette Strathy Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3282 |
Lynne Gibeau Women’s Health Consultants 121 S. Eighth St., Suite 600 Mpls. 612-333-4822 | Gregg Teigen OBGYN West 14001 Ridgedale Dr., Suite 200 Minnetonka 952-249-2000 |
Terri Johnson OBGYN West 14001 Ridgedale Dr., Suite 200 Minnetonka 952-249-2000 | Carrie Terrell University Specialists in Women’s Health 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-273-7111 |
Amy Kelly Metro OBGYN 17 W. Exchange St., Suite 622 St. Paul 651-227-9141 | Deborah Thorp Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3282 |
Elizabeth Kilburg Women’s Health Consultants 121 S. Eighth St., Suite 600 Mpls. 612-333-4822 | Andrea Tipple Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 |
Patricia Kohls Partners Obstetrics & Gynecology 1737 Beam Ave. Maplewood 651-770-3320 | Barbara Toppin Adefris & Toppin Women’s Specialists 1875 Woodwinds Dr., Suite 110 Woodbury 651-686-6400 |
Mark LaRose Lakeview Clinic 424 State Hwy. 5 W. Waconia 952-442-4461 |
Thomas Amatruda Minnesota Oncology 500 Osborne Rd. NE, Suite 215 Fridley 763-786-1620 | Bronagh Murphy Maplewood Cancer Center 1580 Beam Ave. Maplewood 651-779-7978 |
Anne Blaes University of Minnesota Division of Hematology, Oncology, & Transplantation 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-625-5411 | Mark Sborov Minnesota Oncology 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 210 Edina 952-928-2900 |
Barbara Bowers Fairview Southdale Medical Oncology 6363 France Ave., Suite 610 Edina 952-836-3645 | John Seng Minnesota Oncology 910 E. 26th St., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-884-6300 |
Cathleen Chen Park Nicollet/Frauenshuh Cancer Center 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3248 | Avina Singh Minnesota Oncology 675 Nicollet Blvd., Suite 200 Burnsville 952-892-7190 |
Candy Corey Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 | Amy Spomer Park Nicollet/Frauenshuh Cancer Center 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3248 |
Steven Duane Park Nicollet/Frauenshuh Cancer Center 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3427 | Amy Stella North Memorial-Humphrey Cancer Center 3435 West Broadway Ave. N. Suite 1135 Robbinsdale 763-520-7887 |
Tufia Haddad University of Minnesota Division of Hematology, Oncology, & Transplantation 420 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-624-0123 | Michaela Tsai Park Nicollet/Frauenshuh Cancer Center 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3248 |
Harold Londer North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave. N. Robbinsdale 763-520-5200 | Eric Weinshel Minnesota Oncology 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 210 Edina 952-928-2900 |
Avanti Mehrotra North Memorial Humphrey Cancer Center 3435 West Broadway Robbinsdale 763-520-7887 | Douglas Yee Masonic Cancer Center 424 Harvard St. SE Mpls. 612-625-5411 |
Audrey Fox Lakeview Clinic 424 State Hwy. 5 W. Waconia 952-442-4461 | Rhondi Meiusi Edina Eye Clinic 3939 W. 50th St. Suite 200 Edina 952-920-2020 |
Andrew Harrison University of Minnesota 421 Delaware St. SE, MMC 493 Mpls. 612-625-4400 | Mark Norman Southdale Eye Clinic 6533 Drew Ave. S. Edina 952-927-7138 |
Alvina Janda HealthPartners Bloomington Clinic 8600 Nicollet Ave. S. Bloomington 952-541-2800 |
Scott Anseth Twin Cities Orthopedics 4010 W. 65th St. Edina 952-920-0970 | James Gannon Summit Orthopedics 1600 St. John’s Blvd., Suite 101 Maplewood 651-968-5200 |
Elizabeth Arendt University of Minnesota 2512 S. Seventh St., Suite R200 Mpls. 612-273-9400 | Christie Heikes Twin Cities Orthopedics 4010 W. 65th St. Edina 952-456-7000 |
Edward Cheng University of Minnesota 2512 S. Seventh St., Suite R200 Mpls. 612-273-9400 | Timothy Panek St. Croix Orthopaedics 1701 Curve Crest Blvd., Suite 104 Stillwater 651-439-8807 |
Peter Daly Summit Orthopedics 17 W. Exchange St., Suite 307 St. Paul 651-968-5201 | Kathleen Peter Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3230 |
Paul Damrow Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3230 | Ann Van Heest University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview 2512 S. Seventh St. Mpls. 612-273-9400 |
Merrill Biel Ear, Nose, & Throat SpecialtyCare of Minnesota 2211 Park Ave. S. Mpls. 612-871-1144 | John Meccia Ridgeview Excelsior Clinic 675 Water St. Excelsior 952-925-5626 |
Holly Boyer University of Minnesota 516 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-626-5900 | Lisa Posey Southdale Otolaryngology 7373 France Ave. S., Suite 302 Edina 952-896-3166 |
Carl Brown Ear, Nose, & Throat SpecialtyCare of Minnesota 2211 Park Ave. S. Mpls. 612-871-1144 | Inell Rosario Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 2080 Woodwinds Dr., Suite 120 Woodbury 651-702-0750 |
Geoffrey Getnick The Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic & Hearing Center 7400 France Ave. S., Suite 107 Edina 952-832-5252 | Derek Schmidt Health Partners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-8550 |
Matthew Griebie Ear, Nose, & Throat SpecialtyCare of Minnesota 2211 Park Ave. S. Mpls. 612-871-1144 | Thomas Tedford The Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic & Hearing Center 7400 France Ave. S., Suite 107 Edina 952-832-5252 |
Barbara Malone Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 2080 Woodwinds Dr., Suite 120 Woodbury 651-702-0750 |
Pain Medicine
Miles Belgrade Fairview Pain & Palliative Care Center 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 600 Mpls. 612-273-5400 | Todd Hess United Pain Center 280 Smith Ave. N., Suite 600 St. Paul 651-241-7246 |
Gretchen Crary Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-3001 | Betty Olivares-Pakzad North Memorial Medical Center North Pathology Associates 3300 Oakdale Ave. N. Robbinsdale 763-520-5525 |
Valda Kaye Twin Cities Dermatopathology 9909 S. Shore Dr., Suite 2A Plymouth 763-525-0363 | Sunil Patel Three Rivers Pathology 2664 Patton Rd. Roseville 651-635-9700 |
Tamera Lillemoe Abbott-Northwestern Hospital 2345 Rice St. St. Paul 651-483-2033 |
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Nancy Hutchison Piper Breast Center 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-3150 | Barbara Seizert Abbott Northwestern Hospital/Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Associates 800 E. 28th St. Mpls. 612-863-4495 |
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Marie Christensen Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3504 | Mark Migliori MMK Plastic Surgery 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 220 Edina 952-925-1111 |
Sam Economou Plastic Surgery Consultants 3300 Edinborough Way, Suite 505 Edina 952-746-6767 | John Muldowney MMK Plastic Surgery 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 220 Edina 952-925-1111 |
Michael Fasching 2805 Campus Dr., Suite 335 Plymouth 763-577-7500 | Jane Nemecek Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3504 |
Jennifer Harrington Harrington Plastic Surgery 2805 Campus Dr., Suite 485 Plymouth 651-290-7600 | David Ruebeck Midwest Plastic Surgery 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 350 Edina 952-920-2600 |
Martin Lacey Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeons 1875 Woodwinds Dr., Suite 120 Woodbury 651-255-7777 | Timothy Schaefer Midwest Plastic Surgery–Southdale Medical Center 6545 France Ave. S., Suite 350 Edina 952-920-2600 |
Benita Dieperink HAS Adult Psychiatry Clinic 914 S. Eighth St., Suite D110 Mpls. 612-347-2218 | Helen Kim 3133 Hennepin Ave. Mpls. 612-702-4410 |
Heidi Joos Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3307 | Amelia Merz Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3307 |
Pulmonary Diseases
Joanne Billings University of Minnesota, Pulmonary, Critical Care, & Sleep Division 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 276 Mpls. 612-624-0999 | Hyun Kim University of Minnesota 420 Delaware St. SE Mpls. 612-624-0999 |
Lisa Bolin Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3242 | Amy Knopke-Mooney Respiratory Consultants 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 605 Robbinsdale 763-520-5200 |
Scott Davies Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-3525 | William Marinelli Hennepin County Medical Center 730 S. Eighth St. Mpls. 612-873-2625 |
Linda Funk St. Paul Lung Clinic 1600 St. John’s Blvd., Suite 201 Maplewood 651-747-8500 | Charlene McEvoy HealthPartners Specialty Center–Lung & Sleep Health 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-7670 |
Kathy Gromer Minnesota Lung Center 920 E. 28th St., Suite 700 Mpls. 952-567-7400 | Nicolette Myers Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3242 |
Keith Harmon Park Nicollet Clinic–Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park 952-993-3265 | Christine Wendt VA Medical Center 1 Veterans Dr. Mpls. 612-467-4400 |
Mitchell Kaye Minnesota Lung Center 920 E. 28th St., Suite 700 Mpls. 952-567-7400 |
Ellen Abeln Suburban Radiology 8990 Springbrook Dr. NW, Suite 140 Coon Rapids 763-792-1900 | Joseph Tashjian St. Paul Radiology 166 Fourth St. E. St. Paul 651-632-5700 |
Nellie Bauer North Memorial Medical Center 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 604 Robbinsdale 763-520-5330 | Maria D. Gomes Minneapolis Radiology 2800 Campus Dr., Suite 20 Plymouth 763-398-8710 |
Patricia Bruer Minneapolis Radiology 2800 Campus Dr., Suite 20 Plymouth 763-398-8710 | Radha Inampudi Consulting Radiologists 1221 Nicollet Mall, Suite 600 Mpls. 612-573-2200 |
Deborah Day Consulting Radiologists 1221 Nicollet Mall, Suite 601 Mpls. 612-573-2201 | Michael Madison St. Paul Radiology 166 Fourth St. E. St. Paul 651-632-5700 |
John Knoedler St. Paul Radiology 166 Fourth St. E. St. Paul 651-632-5700 |
Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility
Bruce Campbell Center for Reproductive Medicine & Advanced Reproductive Technologies 2828 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-863-5390 | Paul Kuneck Center for Reproductive Medicine 2828 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-863-5390 |
Colleen Casey Center for Reproductive Medicine & Advanced Reproductive Technologies 2828 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-863-5390 | John Malo Center for Reproductive Medicine 991 Sibley Memorial Hwy., Suite 100 St. Paul 651-379-3110 |
Randle Corfman Midwest Center for Reproductive Health 12000 Elm Creek Blvd. N., Suite 350 Maple Grove 763-494-7700 | Theodore Nagel Center for Reproductive Medicine 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 500 Mpls. 612-372-7050 |
Mark Damario Reproductive Medicine Center 606 24th Ave. S., Suite 500 Mpls. 612-672-7422 | Jacques Stassart Reproductive Medicine & Infertility Associates 2101 Woodwinds Dr., Suite 100 Woodbury 651-222-6050 |
Lisa Erickson Center for Reproductive Medicine 2828 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 400 Mpls. 612-863-5390 |
Walter Dorman Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 7250 France Ave. S., Suite 215 Edina 952-893-1959 | Ellen Shammash HealthPartners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-7800 |
Donna Fontana Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 7250 France Ave. S., Suite 215 Edina 952-893-1960 | Archibald Skemp Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 7250 France Ave. S., Suite 215 Edina 952-893-1959 |
Scott Glickstein Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3280 | Paul Waytz Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 7250 France Ave. S., Suite 215 Edina 952-893-1959 |
Jody Hargrove Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 7250 France Ave. S., Suite 215 Edina 952-893-1959 | Kurt Zimmerman Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 7250 France Ave. S., Suite 215 Edina 952-893-1959 |
Jody Hargrove Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 7250 France Ave. S., Suite 215 Edina 952-893-1959 |
Sports Medicine
Heather Cichanowski HealthPartners Specialty Center 435 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-8300 | Anne-Marie Moore TRIA Orthopaedic Center 8100 Northland Dr. Bloomington 952-831-8742 |
Michelle Gorman McNerney TRIA Orthopaedic Center 8100 Northland Dr. Bloomington 952-831-8742 | Rochelle Taube Edina Sports Health and Wellness 6363 France Ave., Suite 525 Edina 952-926-6489 |
Suzanne Hecht Fairview Sports, & Orthopaedic Care 2512 S. Seventh St. Mpls. 612-273-9400 | Ronald Yee Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 |
Sarah Lehnert Fairview Sports & Orthopaedic Care 501 E. Nicollet Blvd. Suite 100 Burnsville 952-460-4900 |
Steven Bernstein Fairview Ridges Hospital 501 E. Nicollet Blvd., Suite 120 Burnsville 952-460-4130 | Christopher Knoedler Metro Urology 1653 Beam Ave., Suite 206 Maplewood 651-999-6800 |
Joseph Cerny Urology Associates 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 409 Robbinsdale 763-520-7700 | Aaron Milbank Metro Urology 6025 Lake Rd., Suite 200 Woodbury 651-999-6800 |
Mark Fallen Urologic Physicians 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 500 Edina 952-920-7660 | Jocelyn Rieder Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3190 |
John Heller Metropolitan Urology Clinic 7450 France Ave. S., Suite 250 Edina 952-920-6577 | Lioudmila Sitnikova Urology Associates 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 608 Robbinsdale 763-520-7700 |
Sharon Hepler Park Nicollet Clinic–Maple Grove 15800 95th Ave. N. Maple Grove 952-993-3190 | Thomas Stormont Stillwater Medical Group 1500 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater 651-439-1234 |
Nathan Hoffman Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3190 | Suzette Sutherland Metro Urology 2855 Campus Dr., Suite 530 Plymouth 651-999-6800 |
William Kaylor Urologic Physicians 6363 France Ave. S., Suite 500 Edina 952-920-7660 | Jeffry Twidwell Urology Associates 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 608 Robbinsdale 763-520-7700 |
J. Karl Kemberling Urology Associates 3366 Oakdale Ave. N., Suite 608 Robbinsdale 763-520-7700 | William Utz Urology Associates 6525 France Ave. S., Suite 200 Edina 952-927-6501 |
Jyothi Kesha Park Nicollet Clinic–St. Louis Park 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3190 |
Vascular Surgery
Peter Alden Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E. 28th St., Suite 200 Mpls. 612-863-6800 | Jeffrey Mendeloff Park Nicollet Heart & Vascular Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3180 |
John Graber Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E. 28th St., Suite 300 Mpls. 612-863-3900 | Brian Miller Minnesota Surgical Associates 1973 Sloan Pl., Suite 225 Maplewood 651-224-1347 |
Chantel Hile Minneapolis Vascular Physicians 2800 Campus Dr., Suite 20 Plymouth 763-398-8710 | John Miller Minnesota Surgical Associates 1973 Sloan Pl., Suite 225 Maplewood 651-224-1347 |
William McMillan Minneapolis Vascular Physicians 2800 Campus Dr., Suite 20 Plymouth 763-398-8710 | William Omlie Surgical Consultants Edina 6405 France Ave. S., Suite W440 Edina 952-927-7004 |
M. Mark Melin Park Nicollet Heart & Vascular Center 6500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park 952-993-3123 | Gary Rosenthal Healthpartners Specialty Center 401 Phalen Blvd. St. Paul 651-254-7980 |